I'm such a slacker but I'm not starting yet another post with how I forgot to/why I didn't write (oops I guess I just did. Oh well.) Turkey Day was lovely if not slightly boring and the day after was spectacular though tiring as always. I started shopping at about 11:00 Thanksgiving night at an outlet mall near my house that was having some midnight madness sale. I didn't buy much there but I looove being out and about with the throngs of people and making memories with friends. This year I went with my friend C and her sister and niece, it was great. We were in line at Target by 4 a.m. and when they opened at six we shopped so quickly that we were out of there and at home in bed by 6:45, Score!!!!! I got a new digital camera, a video camera (you know what that means people, videos!!!! so now you can also hear my annoying voice along with reading my annoying writing) and a couple dvd's. Those were my Christmas presents from my mom so now I need to start shopping for other people! I bought some fabric and have been making some really cute pillowcases, think that would be a lame gift? At any rate I better get back to "work" now.
p.s. I had yet another tooth falling out dream except this time it wiggled first and then I just spit it out. It was my canine tooth but for some reason it was towards the back of my mouth and I distinctly remember thinking in my dream "maybe it's from all the stress my body has been under lately" Hmmm think my subconscious is telling me to shape up?
Labels: dream, friends, memories, NaBloPoMo, shopping, work
Just taking a break from homework to say that I tried a water aerobics class tonight and it kicked my ass! It feels all fine and easy when you're in the water but when you get out damn! It feels like gravity is gonna suck you right into the earth's core. Anyways while I was changing in the locker room I heard one of the stupidest comments ever.
Girl 1: I had bubbles around my eyes after I went tanning the other day.
Girl 2: Oh, that can be a sign of skin cancer.
Girl 1: I know that's why I always wear lotion or something on my face and I don't wash my face before I go tanning.
Okay is it just me or is that stupid as hell. Yes you put lotion on your face in the morning (most lotions only have like an SPF of 15) which is probably worn off by the time you tan and even if your face is protected (which it obviously wasn't)what about the rest of your body???????? Am I missing something here?
Labels: NaBloPoMo, school, stupidity
Still havin a kinda blah day blah blah blah feeling sorry for myself etc. But on a more exciting note yesterday was my 100th post, yea me!!!!! I honestly thought that this would go by the wayside after a couple posts but I'm truly glad it hasn't!!!
Labels: blogging, feelings, NaBloPoMo
So usually I try and keep things pretty upbeat on here. I don't get into too many personal stories and such but tonight I'm feeling sad so I'm gonna let it all hang out, please bear with me.
I feel so lonely, I have a boyfriend who I haven't seen in a month and who never has time for me, I have a mother who has been increasingly rude to me, I have a million family members that live in the area who I haven't seen in probably 10 years, what the hell? I feel like everyone just isolates themselves and pretty soon we're all gonna be living alone. And the people I do hang out with regularly seem to always be checking their watch and making up reasons why they have to go (I'll admit I'm guilty of that one too). People don't understand, they really don't, all the hangups only children have. When I say I'm alone I'm alone. As in I genuinely feel alone in this world (though I know I'm not). Everyone seems to have their "someone" and I feel like all my "someones" have taken a leave of absence. It's such a double edged sword, I crave my alone time if I don't get enough but when I have too much I get in a funk. I hate this feeling more than anything in the world; that feeling that no one in the entire world is thinking about me, it's so depressing. I know it's not true but we all have our moments of feeling this way I suppose. I just feel like what the fuck I'm 21 what am I doing sitting at home on a Saturday night blogging? Why am I not out with friends, and furthermore why do I not really want to be sometimes? I just wish I had my rock, the one person that would make me feel un-lonely but not smother me. Now I'm just rambling and this is a big muddled mess so just let me keep feeling sorry for myself for just a few more minutes and then I'll suck it up k?
I had dinner with my cousins (they're sisters) tonight and I was really looking forward to going; we could be really close but we rarely see each other though I don't know why. It actually sucked. Not the dinner itself that part was great and we had a lot of laughs, but just the fact that I got a little taste of having people care and as soon as the food was gone BAM back to just me again.
Fuck everyone for always being on my back and fuck all the false friends that are out there. I have weeded you out and now I'm basically left with my closest family members and a few select friends. I am fucking lonely and sad. I want to be the person who can take life by the horns and have adventures, the one who can go out and talk to anyone and is always making new friends, I want to be optimistic and not so lazy and scared of meaningful relationships. Most of all I want to not be any of those things, I want to be me and still have support.
And yes the title of this post was shamelessly stolen from the song 5:19 by Matt Wertz
Labels: feelings, lyrics, NaBloPoMo, random
Damn a whole week slipped by! I realized I forgot to post Sunday and then, true to my only child perfectionist personality, I decided well since I'm not doing very well at this whole posting everyday in November thing why don't I just go ahead and skip A WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING WEEK!!!!! Blogging is funny like that, I just can't do it if I don't "feel" it ya know what I mean?
Anyways my life is extremely boring as usual except I've been working on an adorable project and the story behind it goes a little something like this: my dog Roxie is an American Eskimo and my grandpa loves her to bits and pieces, he always doggie-sits if we aren't in town (and cooks her actual beef stew every night for dinner might I add!) and in his younger days he would come to our house everyday at noon just to take her for a walk. All this to say LOVE. There is much of it between my grandpa and Roxie. So every year my grandpa gets an American Eskimo calendar for Christmas and then throughout the year he'll make comments like "This months picture looks just like Roxie" or "There are two puppies in this months picture, I wonder what Roxie looked like as a puppy" but lately the calendars have just been repeats and we CANNOT have that so I devised a genius plan to dress Roxie up and do a photo shoot for each month and make a
real Roxie calendar so that every month the picture can look "just like Roxie". Without further ado here are a few of said pictures, we're still working on the others and these still need to be edited but I didn't want to kill you with too much adorable :)
We started with Christmas (December) and I found this adorable Mrs. Claus ensemble at the place that rhymes with Farget for the bargain price of $9.99 (For that price she's wearing it for every holiday from now on!)

Next we did Halloween (October)and as you can see she's pleased as punch to be outside in front of the whole world dressed like a jack-o-lantern, her glare could melt steel.

And today we did a beach shot (for some summer month)it is one of my favorites

We also tried to get her to lay in a roaster pan surrounded by veggies for Thanksgiving (November) but this is all we got so I think we'll be re-shooting.

And just for good measure and because it's been so long since I've posted any pictures here are some cute candids of the little lizard butt.

And never to be left out my other dog Maggie (aka The Maggers, Maggerific, Mag-sta, Mag-it, Mag-pie, Mag-ma, Mag-net (as in "Oh shit! Maggie is coming to visit we better "Magnatize" the house hahaha), Magsumus, Margaret (when she's in trouble), and Magatha Christy)

Labels: blogging, my doggies, NaBloPoMo, pictures
I'm cuttin it close again, I almost missed another day. What can I say my life is extremely boring. I made a video of my dog being shy in front of the camera perhaps I will post it tomorrow since I'll have some time. Other than that not much to report. I made some kick ass apple dumplings today. Oh yeah and in a previous post I talked about my
intuition and how sometimes I just have feelings; while the one mentioned in that particular entry did not come true I has one the other day that unfortunately did. I called my mom, my boyfriend, and my friend and told them not to freak out but I felt like something was going to happen in one of their lives, either to them or their family or they were going to witness something and seriously I was a wreck over it, I just felt so nervous and weird. I got a call from my friend a couple hours later and she told me that her aunt had gone into cardiac arrest and was pretty much brain dead. YIKES! I don't believe that I'm psychic or anything like that but I think that it's possible to tap into energy of that sort. Of course it doesn't seem to be anything consistent but it's pretty cool that it happens occassionally, maybe next time it will be something good!
Labels: my doggies, NaBloPoMo, random
Once again not much time to post so I'll make a list of annoying and incorrect things that people say and call it a post:
1) It mystifies me that there are college students that still call the library the "libary" (pronounced "lie-berry")
2) College students using math terms such as plus instead of add, minus instead of subtract and my personal favorite "times it by" instead of multiply by. As in "To solve the equation you plus two, minus three, and times the answer by six"
3) Honors students calling an angioplasty and "angioplasm"
I could go on but I'm drawing a blank and there are so many blogs to catch up on reading thanks to NaBloPoMo!
Labels: NaBloPoMo, random, stupidity
Whew I'm cuttin it close tonight but this will be posted before midnight! I'm in the midst of studying for a French "causerie" aka a forced conversation between you and a partner about a pre-selected topic on which you are graded by your instructor (I pretty much failed the last time as noted
here) and basically things aren't lookin much better for this time. So since I have to get back to the grind I'll make this short yet poignant k?
As I was driving home from dinner tonight I was at a stoplight where a homeless man usually stands. I glanced to my left and he wasn't there but instead was a tattered pizza box, folded over onto itself and standing up with a message written on it, it said "Whoever stole my bag I forgive you, I hope you needed my dirty clothes and blankets" and was signed "the homeless guy" For some reason this really touched me, it was just one of those things that you see at the right time and it strikes a chord. I called my mom to tell her about just that but her response was to say that it was just a ploy. I am not naive and I don't usually fall for stuff like that but for some reason I just
felt that this was true. Why would it be a ploy to get money if he wasn't even standing there with the box? At any rate it made me think of all the homeless people I have ever passed, people who were asking for nothing from anyone just huddled in a doorway (or sprawled on a sidewalk) to sleep, how we generalize and put all of these people into one category "the homeless people". This man has a name, a story, a life and something about seeing it signed "the homeless man" just hit me like a ton of bricks. Also not to be overlooked is the fact that this man who has nothing to his name other than what he can carry around with him can forgive someone for being such an ass and stealing his last earthly possessions that he wasn't physically wearing. Somehow it makes me feel more than a little ignorant for instantly hating someone just because they cut me off in traffic.
Does this mean I believe everyone who is on the street claiming to need money is legitimate? No. Does this mean I'm going to give money to every less fortunate person I pass? No. It just means that for a second I really thought about the individual I pass everyday as opposed to defining him by nothing more than the labels I ascribe to him and it made me want to be a little more forgiving of others. So if it was a ploy it was a damn good one. Thank you.
Hmm turns out it wasn't so short after all!
Labels: life lessons, NaBloPoMo, random
Not much to report here, just checking in as is my duty for the entire month of November. I promise to have more interesting posts in the future but right now I'm tired and don't have much to say so I'll leave you with this awe inspiring factoid from my life: my dog learned how to open our french doors that lead to our sun porch, not nudge open with her nose but stand up on hind legs and push the handle down until it opens....awesome!
Labels: my doggies, NaBloPoMo, random
Everyone remembers their first true love, I mean how could you forget right? And for the majority of us we look back at that time with fond memories and feel the slightest twinge of jealousy when we hear of their marriage or the birth of their first child but in all actuality our rational self knows that our time together has passed (and even if we had the opportunity we wouldn't want to get back together with them) and we are genuinely happy for them. That is exactly how I feel as I have just recently found out that my first true love is married and expecting his first child (thank you myspace!). I don't want to be with him anymore but its just the slightest of subconscious pricks of jealousy when I think of her carrying his daughter because waaaay back when that was supposed to be me. I'm not trying to sound psycho here and I think you all know what I mean. Anyways I have composed a letter to her, for the purposes of this blog only (read: I will absolutely
not be sending this to her).
Dear my first true love's wife (whose name sounds suspiciously similar to mine and is also the name I picked for my first daughter before I even knew of your existence, why must you taint it for me?),
How are you? How is the pregnancy progressing? I hear you're in your 28th week already; you were big before but good gravy you must be huge now!! :) I am writing to share a few ironies and truths with you. First and foremost an irony that has not escaped me and probably never will is that I spent the skinniest years of my life (read, the only years I was skinny) with your husband and it turns out that he likes fat girls (boy would he love me now!). Furthermore it has come to my attention that your husband has served in Iraq, I hope you didn't just decide to get married really quickly before he got deployed in case he died, that would be a real tragedy. Also, the "it's a girl" layout you have on myspace is adorable (if a little overpowering) but now that you have broadcast it to the entire myspace population as well as everyone you've ever met in your real life it would be a shame for your darling offspring to pop out as a boy however it
would be very entertaining for all those around you :) In addition, I have seen photographs of your (very) humble abode and before the baby comes you may want to look into getting a place that is not in danger of rolling away every time a storm blows through as I hear that particular occurrence is quite frequent in neighborhoods such as yours. Finally, that blue care bear costume you wore a few Halloweens ago? Yeah never
ever wear that again because you did not look cute and cuddly but like a giant, scary, ewok sent here to torment us by forcing us to stare at your three "spare tires" worth of fat until our retinas were seared and we had to look away and for months after all we could see were giant blue spots; however if you must dress up as a care bear I'm glad you chose grumpy bear because it is most likely very indicative of your default attitude for the next several decades of your life due to sleep deprivation brought about by the several children you're planning to have (after you push one out let me know if that number's decreased any k?) Anyways, just wanted to see how you were and wish you good luck with all that's coming your way, don't worry I'm sure you'll get some sleep again in about 50 years. But then again there's always grand kids, which I'm guessing will be coming sooner rather than later for you, just hope the hubby sticks with you through all of it!
Labels: feelings, lol, my works, NaBloPoMo, random, relationships
Just dropping in for a minute to say: I MISS BOB BARKER. I gave Drew Carey a chance on TPIR but lets face it he's no Bob, that show will never be the same again and it saddens me. I can't tell you how many summer days me and my grandma spent watching that glorious glorious American phenomenon known as The Price is Right hoping upon hope that someone would get to play Plinko (or in my case the ever popular mountain climber game because I loved the yodeling sound effects almost as much as I loved watching that little plastic man fall off the cliff) and after it was over we would go swimming. You just can't mess with 30 years of tradition and expect me (the queen of not coping well with change) to take it gracefully, ya know what I'm sayin?
Now the moment of truth. I pose this question to anyone reading this: am I just overreacting and letting my love of Bob cloud my judgement or does Drew Carey really kinda suck at his new gig?
Labels: grandma anna, memories, NaBloPoMo, reality tv
So I'm taking a little help from the prompts at the NaBloPoMo site and the topic I have chosen to write about today is my most embarrassing moment (which occurred when I was roughly 13 years old).
While there are many moments in my life that have been "embarrassing" there is one that absolutely takes the cake. I'll be honest, before this happened to me I always wondered how the heck anyone could be stupid enough to do this and figured that they were just making it up but alas when you're extremely tired and not paying much attention it is entirely possible to not only get in the wrong vehicle but to sit down in said vehicle with an entire family which isn't yours and begin calmly eating your ice cream before looking up and realizing that everyone is staring at you and that they are not, in fact, anyone you have ever seen before in your life. Next thing you know I panic, run out of the van leaving the door hanging wide open and letting their dog practically escape, and duck into my actual van with my actual family and my actual dog where I proceed to freak out and my family proceeds to laugh so hard they pee themselves because they
watched the whole thing and didn't stop me because they wanted a good laugh.
Seriously, what are the chances of having the same exact van in the same parking lot with the same number of people and a dog inside, parked directly across from each other? It could have happened to anyone, just be glad it wasn't you lol.
Oh yeah and did I mention I was in my bathing suit when all of this transpired and that the people waved and honked at me when they left (hangs head and weeps)
Labels: family, lol, NaBloPoMo, stupidity
Shit, I'm supposed to be writing everyday in November and I already skipped a day. What can I say I was so busy finishing my Saturday morning (more like Saturday all day) GRE prep class and making some kick ass pico de gallo and all that I just plum forgot. Anyways today is a Serbian craft fair and luncheon so I'm sure I'll have some stories to tell about that or at least some reviews of the awesome food we're sure to eat. And since I didn't write yesterday I'll post again today. Consider yourselves lucky!
Labels: NaBloPoMo, random
I had the great idea to do a blog post about me (not that I'm egocentric or anything) just some random facts about myself and blah blah blah.
1) I am absolutely 100%
not a morning person. I have no classes scheduled before 10:30 and sometimes I'm late to those ones.
2) I brush my teeth in the shower
3) I always buy books instead of getting them from the library because I never take them back and end up paying for them anyways so I just eliminate the middle man. Also, it just feels better owning a book, though I'm not entirely sure why.
4) I
hate the way plastic containers smell after they have held food
5) I also hate the smell of freezer burn
6) I prefer the indoors to the outdoors most of the time
7) I think watching a movie at home is never the same as watching it in a theater (that being said I hardly ever go to the movies because it's so freakin expensive)
8) Sometimes when my dog is sleeping (she's white) and I'm bored I color patches of her hair with a marker just for fun (I know I'm terrible report me this instant!)
9) I loooove organizing and re-organizing stuff
10) Okay and lastly, (this one is really weird and gross) I always look at my nail clippings after I clip them. I have no idea why I do this but it fascinates me to see how long they were and basically I'm a nutcase lol
Oh and by the way I just joined NaBloPoMo. I know, I know, I'm always a day late and a dollar short but oh well better late than never
Labels: blogging, i hate something (or someone), NaBloPoMo, random