I've been hesitant to say anything for fear of jinxing my new found happiness but the ex and I are back together and I am genuinely happy, more so than I ever was before. I don't know what happened during the few months we were not together, perhaps he started to take to heart the things that I had been telling him all along, and perhaps I started to calm down just a little bit and realize that I can't get mad at him for things that are part of his culture, some things are just who he is and as long as he treats me well, respects me, and is there for me when I need him then he's okay in my book. Or maybe it's just the "honeymoon phase" all over again but I don't care what it is I just hope it sticks around.
p.s. Sooo glad Grey's Anatomy is back, and even more glad that George is not gone :)
p.p.s We have rescued yet another cat, this one from our backyard (which is also a park) She was basically about to starve to death when she wandered up to our house so we took her in got her fixed and declawed gave her her shots and we're calling her Izzy buuuuut if you know anyone who needs a cat she is free to a good home (and preferably someone we actually know in real life)
Labels: feelings, grey's anatomy, relationships, we rescue an animal
It happened, I saw someone my age wearing a vest. A VEST! That is just a trend that should never be resurrected. Hell, if we're gonna wear vests now why don't we just break out the neon spandex pants and pair them with knee length sweaters too! I've said it before and I'll say it again: no one, but no one, should wear a vest (unless it's part of a work uniform, in which case you should seriously consider a new job)
Labels: complaining, fashion police, feelings, i hate something (or someone), random
I never noticed until today how difficult it is to find plain strawberry ice cream. I, myself, am more of a chocolate type but today I was out and about and a friend asked me to pick up some strawberry ice cream. I believe his exact words were "If you come back with anything other than plain strawberry ice cream I will punch you." Fast forward to a couple hours later when I am cowering in fear in the ice cream aisle of Kroger because they simply
do not have plain strawberry ice cream: neapolitan? check. strawberry swirl? check. strawberry cheesecake? check. But no plain strawberry, so I did what any intelligent person would do, I bought an entire gallon of cookies and cream which doesn't even have anything close to strawberry in it and hoped he wouldn't notice. Amazing how quickly men forget because I gave it to him and he immediately opened it up and dug in, thank goodness.
Labels: friends, random
Ok so how about
the time I promised to write about life lessons, I'm gonna amend that to say: I am a big fat pretentious idiot who knows nothing about life and should therefore shut the fuck up and stop acting like a know it all.
Anyways moving on I have several topics that I thought would make for interesting blog entries (I sunk to new levels when I started keeping a sticky note beside my desk with topics on it) so following is a medley of crap that I think about.
Recently I was thinking about how one time my mom told me that she finds it hard to believe in God, or a higher power, because if there was such a power why did my grandmother, who was a great woman, die. I thought about that for a minute and for me it is the exact opposite. I believe in God
because he gives us strength to get through such situations and teaches us innumerable lessons along the way. I am not saying that everyone should feel the same way as me, I feel that religion is a personal choice and I would never judge anyone because of it, but I just wanted to note how the same situation can be perceived so very differently by people. If no one ever suffered or had bad things happen than how would we grow and learn; why would we need God? Obviously no one wants to watch a loved one die or have negative things happen but I'm of the belief system that it all happens for a reason. Ask me this again if something happens to someone with whom I'm close or myself and my opinion may be a bit different but I would like to hope not. Disclaimer: this is not to say that I handle suffering or death or problems well at all because I'm pretty much a blubbering fool.
Next topic of discussion, yard sales. Some of the stuff people try to sell should just be lying in a dumpster somewhere. If you honestly think you're going to get someone to pay you $5 for your stained, cat hair covered, sweater that your aunt Matilda knit for you back in 1985 think again. What is wrong with you people???? Yard sales can be ok but the ones with table upon table of stupid shit like happy meal toys that are half chewed really piss me off, just give it up and throw your trash away instead of wasting your and everyone elses time. Last week I was driving around and I saw a person trying to sell, no joke, a trophy (with their name on it nonetheless) and the whole top half broken off for the bargain price of $2.50, get a life.
In other news, I commented on my first blog today and I couldn't start with just some little tiny blog, no no no not me I had to comment on a big one. It's not like anyone will even know who I am but still I get so nervous that I'll make an ass out of myself somehow that I don't even like to comment on blogs, I'm a loser I know, but the entry was about weird men on tv that we're attracted to and I immediately remembered
this post and just had to share.
Labels: blogging, mommy, random, religion