It started with a cute little "skin tag" on my dog Roxies ear, it was no problem a cute little identifying mark even, until... (dun dun dun) through an unfortunate series of events she spent a couple weeks as the most messed up dog ever.
The tail (ha! get it) of Roxies most messed up looking few weeks ever began with the aforementioned "skin-tag" growing and needing to be removed because it was actually a fatty tumor and if we didn't take it off RIGHT THIS SECOND she might lose her ear (or something to that effect). So, good, fine, we schedule the procedure and the vet says she may as well do a dental while Rox is under because though I hate to admit it and am in utter and total denial about this fact- she's no spring chicken. Again we say ok, good, fine (though last time the vet saw her teeth a couple months ago she said, and I quote "her teeth are fine...awwwww they're kinda cute, she looks like she's from West Virginia") Fast forward to the day of doom, it's 6:30, I'm at the office to pick her up and out trudges this pathetic looking, shaved leg, matted hair, bandaged ear dog which after picking my jaw up off the floor I realized was in fact my princess Rox. I swear she looked like she had just fought in a war or wrestled Maggie for the last bite of kibble. I get her to the car and we're riding home, she's still a bit doped up and I'm making small talk, fun times. At one point when we were almost home she turned to pull something out of her hair and growled at herself because she didn't realize that she was the one doing it. So we think the ordeal is over. Messed up hair and some stitches? Eh we can deal with that no problem. But then....
A week later a sore developed on Roxie's side which the vet said was a reaction to the anesthesia. They shaved my beautiful long haired dog's side to drain it. So now she has matted hair, stitched ear, shaved leg (from the iv), shaved side, gaping wound, and then to add insult to injury she cannot lick the wound so she must wear a hot pink foam neck brace (do you hear that noise? that is the sound of me weeping.) Oh yeah and did I mention that a couple days before that she had been sleeping in the driveway under our truck which we had just had rust-proofed and she got black grease all over her white hair and we had to cut it out in big chunks and there was still a little grease left. So just to recap: matted hair, stitched ear, shaved leg, shaved side, gaping wound, hot-pink neck brace, choppy haircut, stained with grease. Then we arrive home and I'm petting her and I feel a new "skin tag", shit! I feel so bad for her that I'm gonna go buy her a pony. What do you think?

Hot pink neck brace-do not want. A pony? yes pleeeeze
Labels: my doggies, pictures
Did I ever tell you about the time my dog Maggie killed a groundhog WHILE SHE WAS TIED UP IN THE YARD? Well she did and she was. Why on Gods green earth a groundhog would walk that close to a dog I will never know but she thought it was some great new robotic toy and only too late did I look out the window and run outside to get her to drop it. And as any responsible pet owner does I took pictures of that poor innocent groundhogs blood on my dog (yes I know I'm going straight to hell), you know just for documentation. Guess who was digging a hole in the back yard and conducting a groundhog funeral that night? (hint: not me).
And now the evidence...

Labels: gross, my doggies, pictures
So I've decided to start a list of things that I want to do, just little things that will push me to be a better person, or are something fun that I've always wanted to do. So far I only have five but I will keep updating the list and let you all know how I am progressing.
The list thus far:
1) Read the entire Bible in one year-(in progress, Just bought the one year Bible for women: am already roughly 11 days behind lol)
2) Send a secret to PostSecret
3) Pay the person behind me's toll "just because"
4) Raise money for a shelter animal-
DONE this weekend my team and I walked at the Humane Societies Bark in the Park and raised $300 for a shelter dog named Houston who only has three legs and also needs adopted!
5) Stay in a suite at a nice hotel just for fun-
DONE last weekend my friend C. and I went to the Sheraton Inn on the river and got a two-story river-view room with a full kitchen, living room one and a half baths and a king size suite. It was soo nice we had big screen plasma tvs all over the place and we relaxed in the huge pool. It was tons of fun and pictures are forthcoming just as soon as I upload all the pictures from my camera.
So there ya have it, 2 out of 5 ain't bad! (yuck! I can't believe I typed the word ain't)
Labels: goals, random
Yeah so it's been awhile. The last few weeks have been a million different kinds of stressful with classes wrapping up and final projects being due and exams to study for. Suffice it to say my anxiety levels have reached some crayzee ass levels and I have not been fun to live with. Nothing much else to report except a couple weeks ago I got my hair cut kind of like Katarzyna on ANTM (my apologies, I couldn't find a pic to link to) and now when I look in the mirror I want to make out with myself cause I like it so much (yuck, even I gagged a little bit writing that).
p.s. I have met yet another guy and things are going pretty well, we're taking it slowly and I will not talk about it for a very long time lest I jinx myself.
Labels: random