wow my posting has been light lately...or, you know, virtually non-existent. So I'm at work, it's Friday, and hardly anyone is in so I'm doing what I do most often to keep myself occupied--browsing the quotes on photobucket. Yeah I'm cool. Anyways I decided to do a post describing myself in only said quotes so without further ado...
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Here are two I couldn't find on photobucket
"Summer has snuck up again on me and my giant ass"
"I can hardly wait to see and meticulously judge people at my high school reunion"
and finally, my favorite which has absolutely nothing to do with anything...

Here are two I couldn't find on photobucket
"Summer has snuck up again on me and my giant ass"
"I can hardly wait to see and meticulously judge people at my high school reunion"
and finally, my favorite which has absolutely nothing to do with anything...

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