Wednesday, April 16, 2008

One year ago

I cannot believe it's been a year since I wrote this post.
A year since I sat in my dorm room and watched the sickening news unfold. The largest school shooting in Americas history, they said. And today, one year later scarcely a mention of that heartbreaking day. Maybe it's because I have ties to Virginia Tech (as I mentioned before my best friend goes there) or maybe it's because I know that that could have just as easily happened here, but I just want the whole wide world to remember that day and to take time and pray; pray for the families who will never see their loved ones again, pray for the people whose lives were cut short and dreams shattered, pray for those who witnessed it and will forever remember the terrible images they saw that day, and if you don't pray just please take a moment to remember, give those who were lost a moment to come back to this earth, if only through your remembrance. And then when you're all done with that take a moment to be thankful for all the people that are in your life.

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