Friday, April 18, 2008

Loser at life: 22 years and counting

Gahhh I use this blog to vent more than anything, sorry you all have to experience my mood swings and read about my weirdness but here you go.

So I just started taking birth control two months ago and my dr. prescribed Loestrin 24FE (shout out to Loestrin!!! sorry u suck). The first month there was a bit of spotting in the middle of the month which, hey, its normal for the first month. This month I did not stop bleeding THE WHOLE MONTH (haaa I typed it "munth" at first) until, until I got to the f'ing placebo pills. This is not just "spotting" either it is like crampy, fills a-pad-a-day, bleeding. Sorry if that was TMI, I'm not real good at filtering myself. Anyways yesterday I looked up some info on the pill and it seems that a great many of the people who have been prescribed this had the same problem and say that their cycle never got regulated and eventually they switched. I'm thinking that that sounds pretty good right about now because I feel constantly bloated, my boobs have been non-stop sore, and I have been having some major mood swings ever since I started it. All this to say that all of the above symptoms require a call to the doctor's office. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't like to make phone calls to offices or anyone I don't know for that matter. I panic and get really self conscious so eventhough I'm bleeding my guts out (okay maybe thats a bit of an exaggeration) I'm hesitant to call the office. Okaaaay "hesitant" doesn't quite describe it-I'm a neurotic basket-case. I have this anxiety and I feel like every freaking task in the whole wide world is insurmountable because I have not yet called my Dr's office. So what do neurotic people with anxiety disorders do when they have to call the Dr.'s office????? They call their motherfucking MOM and have her write a motherfucking SCRIPT of what exactly to say. That is correct I drove my dear, dear, mother so crazy with the constant questioning about "well what do I say when I call" that eventually when I (not even close to) jokingly asked her to type me a script she did. Like a script for a play with the person who answers and what they say and then what I should say. I AM OFFICIALLY AN ABSOLUTE LOSER. That was last week and I finally ended up calling yesterday when I had one pill left (I might have hung up a few times before I actually followed through) and the lady was soooo wonderfully nice that I want to call her everyday just to chat. It was so simple: I called, she took notes, she got the Dr. to change my prescription and give me 3 months worth of samples and BOW! I was done. All of this disgusting blood and birth control talk just to ask: Whyyyyy must I suck so hard at life?????

p.s. thanks to Kate at Sort of grown up for the props in this post.

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April 20, 2008 at 1:11 AM  

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