Thursday, April 19, 2007

We Mourn

There are a million different things that I could write about but somehow writing about going out to dinner, or how long it took me to finish a paper, or how cute my dogs are etc. seems ridiculous when so many people are going through such a horrible time.

I have realized that in times of crisis we are constantly looking at others to decide how to react. If something is not broadcast day in and day out on the news we are not as likely to react, plain and simple; along the same lines if no one else makes a big deal we tend not to. Regardless of these facts, however, I do not need to look to anyone or anything else to know that I am grieving for those at Virginia Tech. I'm ashamed to say this but somehow, because my best friend goes there and I have the very real knowledge that it could have been her I feel even more of a connection to the tragedy. I've cried about the massacre a fair amount and I have done so because I cannot believe this could happen, I cannot believe a human being could be so heartless, cold, and calculating and then have the nerve to blame it on the victims of his rage. It is all well beyond my realm of understanding. I have also cried because of the thought that these people were merely sitting in class, bettering themselves, and preparing for the future and in a couple minutes their future disappeared. I picture myself in that situation, and imagine the absolute terror that would run through my body and I honestly cannot fathom it, I cannot imagine knowing that my life might end in a few minutes when seconds ago I was dreaming of the future. I cannot believe that a man has the power to take away 32 lives and all that they might have brought to this world had they been able to live. But most of all I cannot imagine any of it because it makes no sense. No motive, no yelling, no negotiating, just a man calmly walking into a building and destroying countless lives. I could go on and on but I'll never accurately portray my feelings so suffice it to say I mourn, correction WE mourn for all that the victims were and could have been, for parents who will never get to hug their children again, for lives that were destroyed because of one man's problems.

And when life returns to "normal" for us may we not forget to remember this event and furthermore never allow it to stop reminding us how fragile life is.

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