Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Have you ever flushed the toilet on yourself while you were in the shower? No? Well then you're smarter than me!

No you did not read that incorrectly I did in fact flush the toilet on myself while I was showering. You may be wondering how that is possible; well in an ongoing attempt to humiliate myself more and more each day by confessing what an idiot I am to the entire Internet, allow me to explain.

I like to start the shower before I get in so the water is all adjusted and I can just jump in and not worry about it, the other day was no exception so there I was starting the shower. Once I heard the water I needed to pee so I did and guessed it I flushed the toilet and jumped into the shower without even thinking. Seeings how my moms house is ancient and was built in roughly 49 BC flushing the toilet the same day you want to shower is a bad idea let alone the same minute. Lots of cursing and yelling ensued from me and much laughter from Maggie who came in to see what all the noise was; even a German Shepherd is smart enough to mock my stupidity.




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