Sunday, April 22, 2007

Perfect example of why I should never be allowed to write on the weekend

Well I've had a very busy weekend, for once it didnt consist solely of sleeping all day and clearing out my DVR all night. Friday night I went out to dinner with the family then we saw an acrobatic show (grandpa really wanted to go), saturday we had a wedding shower followed by dinner and then we went to the theatre to see RENT. It was absolutely awesome, I loved it! Then today was just a bunch of chores and taking Maggie to the dog park and having the neighbor over for dinner but I digress.

What I really want to say is this: Have you ever noticed how much bridal showers and/or weddings make you analyze your current relationship? Holy crap! I was just sitting there semi-watching the bride-to-be open upwards of 12 million appliances when I noticed a book being passed around. When said book got to me I saw that it was nothing more than a dusty old hardback and thought to myself: Why in the name of Bob are they passing this around. I flipped it open and just saw yellowing pages so I flipped through it a bit more and thats when i saw it. Somewhere in the middle of the book the groom-to-be (my cousin) had typed up a story about his relationship with his girlfriend (now fiance) it went on for several pages highlighting the ups and downs of their relationship and finished with a list of about 50 things that he loves about her, then it told her to flip the page and there was written a marriage proposal along with a place for a ring box that he had cut out of the book and lined with fabric. OH MY GOSH COULD IT GET ANY SWEETER THAN THAT?????

I was so touched (though somewhat jealous lol) that I didn't even mention the several grammatical and spelling errors I had noticed throughout the sacred document. Am I or am I not the most supportive cousin in the world?

But bottom line I started to think about my relationship and where it was going and would he ever be able to give me half of that proposal if we got to that point, and what if he did and I wasn't ready and blah blah blah on and on for the next 2 hours of the shower. It sucks I don't wanna analyze relationships and actions. I much prefer to just go with the flow and see what happens but here's hoping I choose the right man to spend forever with because I've had my fair share of losers and furthermore here's assuming that there's a "Mr. Right" even out there.

Excerpt from a conversation between me and my mom (who is home from vacation thank God!)

Setting: At a table by the bathroom in some restaurant.

Me: "Mom, at what age do you think parents should stop bringing opposite sex childen into the restroom with them?"

Mom: "I have no idea"

Me: "Well it's more common to see little boys in the womens room than it is to see little girls in the mens room I would imagine."

Mom: "Nicole I have never seen a little girl in the mens room.......

Me: I give her a strange look

Mom: hysterical laughter ensues because she realizes that she has never been in a men's room

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