Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hey at least it wasn't Yo Gabba Gabba

The air conditioning situation has yet to be resolved. I think it's gonna take a sexual favor to get maintenance here and I'm so hot and tired and sweaty that I actually find myself thinking "ehh why not? I'll just suck it up and take one for the team" (pun totally intended)

Also, on a scale of one to ten how pathetic would it be for a twenty-two year old with no children to get totally caught up in an episode of the Backyardigans to the point that when they have to leave for work in the middle they Tivo the ending?

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Havin a heat wave

I want to post but I have nothing to write about because the heat has sucked away all thoughts in my head other than "Dude, the air conditioning has been broken at work for THREE DAYS NOW!!! HELP! I'M STEWIN IN MY OWN JUICES!"

And now, with that lovely image firmly implanted in your mind's eye, I'll skip off into the sunset.

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Feelings of inferiority anyone...anyone....Bueller?

I don't know if I've mentioned here that one of my moms all time favorite quotes is "No one can make you feel inferior witout your consent" (or something like that) by Eleanor Roosevelt. Well my mom would not be proud because I've been noticing recently that I am pretty much constantly feeling inferior.

As I study for the GRE (which I take on August 23rd, pray for me!) I think, "how does anyone pass this? I must be some kind of idiot because I've been studying for nearly a year and I still don't know half the vocabulary and the math? Just forget about it. I know some real idiots who've gotten their masters degree and they had to take this same test, maybe I'm not as smart and capable as I thought."

As I prepare to graduate from college in December, with Honors no less, I find myself saying "Yeah but I just got into the honors program on a fluke and the real honors students are so smart and organized and prepared. I save everything until the last minute and don't really deserve to be here because I never read the books or spend hours studying like everyone else claims to, the information just sticks".

As I'm walking into work I see a well-dressed, pretty girl walking past me and I automatically shrink back thinking well maybe I'm single because I don't have legs like her, or hair like so-and-so" (yes I think that, no I don't actually believe it...most of the time.)

As I am reading the truly inspiring words of other bloggers out there and listen to them talking about the great blogging community I scroll down and see 10's and 100's of comments and I think "I know my writing sucks and I admittedly don't have much time to put into this whole blogging thing but couldn't someone at least comment every tenth post or something? I want to feel involved, but then when I think about it how often do I comment, or link, or anything of that nature? The answer: RARELY, so that's another big FAIL.

I minimize my accomplishments and feel that all I've achieved is mediocrity. It comes down to the fact that I am such a perfectionist deep-down, that on the surface I choke when I have to do things because I am scared they won't be great enough. I feel that everything I do is sub-standard, even when that is not the case (or so I'm told). I feel that I am inferior for being 22 and still living at home, for not being in any kind of long-term relationship, for watching all my friends lives come together while I'm in school struggling to become an adult. Buy hey, at least I'm fighting back and making something of myself, let's hope it's not just something average.

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Friday, August 1, 2008

Another heartfelt letter

This morning at 8:00 a.m. one of my dear friends from work was sworn in as an American citizen!!! She was so excited, walking around yesterday talking about how this is that last time we'll see her as a Brazilian because on Monday she'll officially be an American. So Congrats J!!!!!!

Now on to the regularly scheduled post.

Dear server at Bob Evans,

I know this letter is late and that it was a whole 15 days ago already that I had the pleasure of making your acquaintance but you were so thoroughly air-headed that I still feel all of this must be said.

Firstly my dear, on a 90 degree day you do not come take a drink order and then NOT BRING THE DRINKS. The only reason we got them half-way through the meal is because we flagged you down a THIRD TIME and asked for them A THIRD TIME, meanwhile following your movement to the drink machine with the evil eye to ensure follow through.

Next, when I order the turkey dinner with mashed potatoes usually the server would just put the same gravy that is on the meat on the potatoes but not you, oh no no no no. You asked me what kind of gravy I wanted on the potatoes and when I said "the same kind that's on the meat, which is turkey right?" You said, umm yeah but we don't have turkey gravy for potatoes you hafta pick either beef, chicken, or (get this) SAUSAGE GRAVY; as in the thick creamy kind you put over biscuits. I have a few problems with this. Number 1 if you have turkey gravy for the turkey how do you not have it for the potatoes?? Number 2 why would I want beef and turkey gravy or even turkey and chicken gravy together on the same plate? And number 3, and this is the biggy, why the hell would I want creamy sausage gravy on my potatoes???? However, dear internets, I did not mention any of that as we were a bit rushed and instead just said "umm okay I'll take the chicken gravy?".

And lastly, when you finally do bring us the appropriately gravied (is that even a word?) food and the beverages do not disappear not to be seen again with our bill for ten million years.



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