Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My dad (a devoutly religious man) would punch me if he read this entry

As I was surfing the Internet I stumbled across this

I have to say after watching it and reading some of the reports beneath it I am pretty disgusted. People are acting as though being Muslim equates to being a racist, disrespectful, inconsiderate, terrorist. Let me just say: no. There are extremists in every religion and I really just wish people would stop wasting time believing in and putting emphasis on stereotypes. I don't know a great deal about the Muslim faith nor do I purport to however I am a firm believer in freedom of religion which is one of the great rights of being in America. I guess what I'm saying is I wish people would not answer questions such as the one asked in that clip by vehemently denying that they are of one faith (in this case Muslim) and making it seem as though it is something wrong. The answer should be a simple no and not a "No I am absolutely not a Muslim, I am a Christian, and I was sworn in on the BIBLE" making it seem as though Christianity is the only acceptable religion. Those e-mails were meant to play into prejudices and by answering questions in that manner I feel that it just re-inforces said prejudices.

Oh and also this has nothing to do with who I do or do not support in the election it was simply a solid example of a phenomenon I have been noticing for quite some time now and it does not mean I think anything of Barack Obama one way or another.
So put that in your juice box and suck it all you people who like to make controversy!!!! :)

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