Why I am still recovering from "the day of rest" aka Sunday

That would be a pool table covered with paper with a sample of our homemade cookies on top

More cookies
Each year my family gets together and we bake and decorate homemade sugar cookies. This year we baked about 50 dozen. Picture all of the cookies above plus about three other tables in the other room. Its a lot of work but also a lot of fun and each family gets to take home about 4 dozen. So that is why I'm being lazy as hell (or it could just be an excuse, guess you'll never know).
Oh yeah and remember when I mentioned the calendar we were making of Roxie (I'm too lazy to link to that entry right now) for my grandpa? We sent the pictures off today so we should have it before Christmas yea! Glad that headache is over with, it took us almost 2 hours at CVS getting everything sorted out.
I promise to get back to writing more substantial and meaningful posts soon but for right now can I interest you in my favorite distraction: adorable dog photos (taken with the camera I stood in line for for 2 freezing hours which I heart very very much)!!!!
p.s. please excuse Maggies lady parts in the last photo, we're working on teaching her modesty lol

Labels: my doggies, pictures, random
OMG they are adorable. Real cuddely
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