Thursday, July 12, 2007

Seriously could I use the word funny a few more times????

Let it be known that I am a reality T.V. addict. I love all shows reality based. That being said I have never really watched Last Comic Standing until this season and oh mylanta is it funny. How can people really be that funny? That show contains more funny than should be allowed in any one hour span of time ever. I was just laying in bed last night at 2 in the morning with nothing to do (I'm not so much of a night sleeper) so I turned on an episode I recorded and maybe it was because it was late and I was delirious but seriously, a great deal of funny ensued which involved much hearty laughter from me and much yelling of the phrase "Shut up I'm trying to sleep dammit!" from my precious mother. Regardless, it felt really good to laugh like that because for once it wasn't at the expense of someone else. Like, these people actually wanted me to laugh at them, who could ask for more? All I want is people to let me laugh at them uncontrollably and occasionally make fun of them when they make mistakes, is that so terrible of me?? (What,it is??? Well shit no wonder I have no friends).

Edited to add: For the love of humanity can someone please tell me what it means when I keep dreaming about my teeth falling out???

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