Friday, June 22, 2007

Me, in a nutshell

Life's so funny sometimes. Not ha ha funny just...interesting. There's so much to learn and accomplish and I hope I can do it all, or at least most of it. Lately, I've been feeling that a lot of people doubt me or take my relationship with them for granted so I just wanted to say, here, in my own comfortable space a few things about myself.

1) I am strong and independent but also very vulnerable and many people have the power to hurt me (though I try not to let them know) which I hate!

2) I love feeling and experiencing emotions (good or bad), it makes me feel alive.

3) I am a beautiful and deserving woman and I will not settle for second best no matter how many people around me are doing so.

4) I'm not a bitch but I require respect.

5) I am extremely loyal to those with whom I form close bonds.

6) I love my family, they are number 1

7) Sometimes I get mad and hate people just because they exist.

8) I find the ease at which some people "replace" friends or significant others hard to believe.

9) I think a lot about the past, present, and future....basically I think a lot about life and perhaps sometimes over-analyze.

10) Most importantly though: I am proud of the person I have become, I know what I want out of life and I will strive for it. I am well-balanced and try to be open-minded and understanding. I don't have thousands of friends but I have a few close one's and they mean more to me than anyone could ever know. And above all I know that the future holds so much excitement and wonder for me (even though some days I have doubts) :)

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