Saturday, June 2, 2007

Queen of rationalizing

I have a theory that I was just contemplating and it goes a little something like this: I think it's the guys responsibility to make the first move as far as calling a girl goes, I mean after all it's only fair, the woman has to experience child birth right? So he can feel a little awkward now and I'll feel a little awkward later. But then i thought harder about it and figured, a measley phone call compared to pushing a bowling ball out your vagina in front of 10 million people and possibly taking a crap while doing so not to mention having to sustain that child for the next months of its life by having it attach itself to a very sensitive part of your body and suck, not to mention when it grow freakin teeth, OWWW. So anyways what I'm getting at is either the guy has it really easy or I'm trying to reationalize reasons why the guy I've been talking to should be the first to call me.

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