Monday, May 14, 2007

A post to delay writing the post that I really should be writing

This weekend was mothers day weekend and so my gift to my mom was pet-sitting for a day while she went bird-watching (her favorite thing in the whole world). Since she was busy on Sunday we celebrated with the family on Saturday with a cook-out and afterwards we went to the cemetery where my grandma (mom's mom) is buried.

My grandma Anna and I were very close when I was young. I have so many great memories of being with her. In the summer she would come to daycare and break me out early so we could go swimming and we always had fun. She died when I was nine years old so I don't remember a great deal about her but ever since she died I have carried around the feeling that if she has lived we would be best friends, and in a way we are. I don't know if this is weird or not but sometimes I feel like she is with me and we know everything about each other. I don't know if I make myself feel this way because it is how I like to imagine our relationship would have been or if it really is true; I am so much like my grandmother in soooo many ways that I absolutely have to believe its the latter. She made me feel special and she was my number one fan, I know she loves my cousins but I could see that special sparkle in her eye when we were together, I love her for so many reasons but I especially love her for the person she has helped me become.

Anyways, As we approached the headstone I realized for the first time that this was my mom's mother, the woman who had raised her, the same person my mom is to me is what my grandmother was to her. Before I had always just thought of her as my grandmother. And in that moment I thanked God for letting me be with my mother this mothers day instead of visiting her grave and as we trimmed and edged around the headstone (V included) we found so many things to laugh and talk to grandma about that I realized that this would be one of those perfect memories that you carry with you for a lifetime, three generations of women together and happy, if only for a moment.

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