How could I cheat on Blogger like that??? I'm a filthy slutbag so allow me to compensate with drunken pics
OMG for like 30 minutes today I imported this blog to wordpress and I hated every single one of those minutes. For people who are not technologically savvy like myself it is just too much. Or maybe, deep down inside, I created a whole new blog just to waste 3 hours so I wouldn't have to study knowing all along that blogger is perfectly fine........guess you'll never know
And because I had no idea how to post pictures there I will post some here just for spite!!!!!! Following are pictures from my 21st b-day (3 months ago) and no I am not proud....However I am ever so slightly amused.

We'll call this the before picture.....

First shot of the night, notice my cousin holdin up the 2-1 (oh and for future reference don't start the night with a shot that is in a glass the size of a juice glass and contains roughly 12 different kinds of liquor, unless of course you get it for free which I totally did and for the love of God make sure your shirt is straight which i apparently totally didn't)

Me extremely tipsy and saying mmmmmmm....which are the only words I could think of to describe how great the poison...i mean liquor tasted

Right before completely toasted

Welcome to completely toasted where air quotes are hilarious and picture-worthy

What the fuck is this shit??? It makes you feel goooood (until later that is)

Good to the last drop

See I could totally be a Barker's Beauty look at how I display this lovely four door sedan that as of tomorrow will reek of taco bell and vomit

In the elevator, I honestly thought I was upright

My cousin: Nicole do you want some water???
Me: No thanks my face is in some
Now I might not be a mental giant in real life but that last quote is phenomenal whether you're drunk or sober.
And because I had no idea how to post pictures there I will post some here just for spite!!!!!! Following are pictures from my 21st b-day (3 months ago) and no I am not proud....However I am ever so slightly amused.

We'll call this the before picture.....

First shot of the night, notice my cousin holdin up the 2-1 (oh and for future reference don't start the night with a shot that is in a glass the size of a juice glass and contains roughly 12 different kinds of liquor, unless of course you get it for free which I totally did and for the love of God make sure your shirt is straight which i apparently totally didn't)

Me extremely tipsy and saying mmmmmmm....which are the only words I could think of to describe how great the poison...i mean liquor tasted

Right before completely toasted

Welcome to completely toasted where air quotes are hilarious and picture-worthy

What the fuck is this shit??? It makes you feel goooood (until later that is)

Good to the last drop

See I could totally be a Barker's Beauty look at how I display this lovely four door sedan that as of tomorrow will reek of taco bell and vomit

In the elevator, I honestly thought I was upright

My cousin: Nicole do you want some water???
Me: No thanks my face is in some
Now I might not be a mental giant in real life but that last quote is phenomenal whether you're drunk or sober.
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