Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Post vacation ramblings

It's been way too long! Vacation was absolutely AMAZING but it went by so fast that I feel like I was never even there, that it was all just a dream. I spent a week sunbathing in the Outer Banks with my best friend and her family in an absolutely gorgeous house. I hate the week after vacation because I always miss S (my best friend) soooooo much, she lives in Virginia so I don't get to see her nearly as often as I need to. But I digress, I'm back to reality now.

The date went well and we kept in touch over vacation, hopefully we'll go out again sometime this week. He was quite a gentleman, opening doors, complimenting me, and if there would have been a chair to pull out at dinner I'm sure he would have. He's very attractive, very confident, and very well spoken so we'll see how it goes. He's a far cry from what I usually settle for which is good because the whole point is getting serious and no longer settling for second (or 50 millionth) best.

And finally I would just like to say a special and extremely sarcastic thank you to the catty bitchy and unloyal "friends" (also known as X and her sister) who feel it appropriate to only talk to their "friends" to get gossip about their life that they can spread around. And I especially thank you for not even trying to be discreet about it. Good luck at ever having any true relationships that aren't with your sisters losers.

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