Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Okay I just wanted to make note of how weird it is that I actually dreamt a blogging related dream last night. The dream lasted like, literally, two seconds and all it consisted of was me finding a note written by my co-worker to my boss regarding me that had yesterday's date and read "Couldn't stop blogging". Totally random and weird especially since my co-worker is old and probably doesn't even know what a blog is.

On another completely random note, the weather here has been absolutely a-fucking-mazing; its been sunny and hot which is just the way I prefer weather to be. On Sunday I went to my dad's new camper (me, the queen of hating the outdoors and all things camp related) but it was okay because his campground is fairly civilized (as much as a campground can be) and has a very lovely swimming pool and even a movie theater. So I spent my day laying in the hot, hot, sun and wading into the pool every once in a while, all while reading this weeks edition of US Weekly (speaking of which holy crap Nicole Richie is pregnant!). I was watching Last Comic Standing last week and this girl pretty much summed up what I perceive to be the "camping experience". She said: "It's pretty much a bunch of people who don't live in trailer parks but like to vacation at one." Not saying that there's anything wrong with living in a trailer park because my dad totally does (he lives in one and vacations in one; double classy)its just not my cup of tea (camping, not living in a mobile home)

Well I was just thinking about what to title this post but blogger must have known that I got nothin because it won't let me type in a title. Hmmm we'll see how that pan's out.

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