Lurkers, today's your day to de-lurk!!

As I'm sure you all know today, as noted above, is The Great Mofo Delurk 2007. This means that if you read this please for the love of all that is good and right in the world leave a mother fucking comment. Hmmm I doubt that anyone actually reads this because lets face it due to the fact that I rarely (read never) comment anywhere no one probably knows its here. And on the off chance people do know it's here they are probably sick of my feeble attempts at wittiness. Even if that is the case comment and tell me and I promise to do likewise. Thanks
p.s. if you don't want to just randomly comment about how un-funny I am or how cute my dogs are etc. let me give you a topic for discussion as all the cool kids seem to be doing: Stupid things you have heard other people say that are so amazingly dumb they make you want to rip off your own face. NOW COMMENT
"Where are my glasses?"
Said by ME while wearing my classes on my face.
I followed your site from Zoot's page.
"Huh? Where? WHERE?"
Heard from the person in front of me, talking to the computer screen, in a self-checkout lane while he was searching for his change.
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