Friday, August 24, 2007

I heart reality tv

I'm so confused and slightly hurt (as you may have inferred from my last post) but for now I have to step away from the heavy stuff b/c I don't want to think about it (thus the avoidance of blogging for the last few weeks*) so in other words LOOK A WHOLE BUNCH OF FLUFF AND FILLER!!!!
So I was reading msn reality t.v. news today and I would just like to say that
This is what television is about. As I was reading the description of this new show a huge smile spread across my face because in some twisted way it helps me to know that I'm not the only one who lies or gets lied to. Plus, dude, if you don't tell the truth you're in front of millions of people including your family and I would imagine it would be pretty entertaining to watch someone try and wriggle their way out of those sticky situations. So, viva la/le reality tv!

*This post is brought to you by denial-it's not just a river in Egypt

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