Thursday, November 13, 2008

No red, no blue, just purple.

Yes this may be long, yes it may be rambling, yes this may be incoherent and yes it may be entirely possible that no one other than myself will ever read it but that's just fine with me!

I will start out by saying go check out this awesome website .

Did you do it??? Do it so you can share in my euphoria!!!!

Ok so I was browsing face book and somehow I stumbled upon the link to the above website and all I can say is WOW. I have renewed hope for human beings! It's about darn time that people joined together as one. I am so proud that finally my generation is standing up for something, and not just anything but for the right for everyone to co-exist peacefully regardless of politics. My generation (and a lot of Americans in general) is known for some pretty negative things; we have a ridiculous sense of entitlement, we have been at times apathetic and lazy but it's not entirely our fault. This is all still so new to us, there has never been a country like this awesome one and so we're still figuring it out. We might make mistakes, we might stumble and fall flat on our faces but you know what??? It doesn't matter because we have far more good qualities than bad and we will pick ourselves right back up, band together, and change the world. I am so proud to finally be feeling the sense that maybe I actually can make a difference and see a change, maybe my generation really is part of something great. It's terrible that things had to get so bad for us to finally stand up but I have faith in us, that we can and will make changes where they need to be made.

As you may or may not know, I am no optimist and I realize that there is a crazy amount of work to do but I just feel so privileged that the human beings of this country are starting to realize that it takes ALL of us to make a change. We ALL need to be heard as well as learn to listen to others, we all need to take responsibility for our mistakes and fix them. Basically, we're all in this together LET"S DO IT!!!!

And with that I'll put the pipe down and get back to the grind of real life :)

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008


There are no words that I can say that will accurately express how I felt listening to Obama give his victory speech tonight. I got goosebumps. I am so relieved to have caught a glimpse of a brighter and more tolerant future.

