Thursday, March 1, 2007

20/20...not quite.

Ok so rewind about a week and a half ago, Monday February 19th was my 21st birthday-lots of drinking ensued and as I told my cousin repeatedly while I was puking my guts up "I made a fat mistake!" I have no desire to drink again (well binge drink), the only reason it was fun before is because it was illegal and made boring nights more fun but now I'm old (lol) and I will never binge drink again, spending nights with your head in the toilet is just not fun not to mention I am quite possibly the most annoying drunk EVER!!!! But I digress...back to the story.

By Friday the 23rd I sauntered over to the license bureau (because I'm nothing if not punctual) to get my new license and apparently I can't see worth crap. The nice lady told me "you have to get three out of five correct on this line so just keep guessing until you get three out of five" followed by "are you sure you don't have glasses?". Several minutes later I had guessed and walked out of there with my new and improved license. I'm glad she was reasonable about the whole thing because it's not like I can't see cars or recongnize stopsigns and such, it's just that reading street names might be a bit of trouble. So me, feeling guilty, and being the responsible citizen that I am made an appointment at the eye doctor which was this morning. Last night I googled 'intermittent blurred vision" and let me tell you biiiiig mistake! By midnight I was convinced I had 8 out of 20 diseases that poor vision is symptomatic of and I also came to the conclusion that I was going blind. (Yeah, have I mentioned I'm a bit of a worrier?) After a night of restless sleep I got up at 7 and made it to my appointment on time for the first time pretty much ever. I was just there a meer six months ago and I was "on the fence" of needing glasses. Today I leaped the fence by a good deal and got a prescription for glasses but wanted to wait for my mommy to help me pick them out (of course I didn't tell them that I just made some excuse about having to go to work and could I please come back im pathetic) anyways the verdict is I have a slight astigmatism and am nearsighted so I only have to wear the glasses when I need to see far away like in class, driving, and at the movies. Whew, glad that's over with I don't know what the heck I'll do if I ever have a real crisis.




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